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A Review of the Use of Buffer Strips for the Maintenance and Enhancement of Riparian Ecosystems
A review of the available literature about the effectiveness of buffer strips for the maintenance and enhancement of riparian ecosystems.
Biodiversity Indicators for Woodland Owners
This report will assist landowners to become more aware of biodiversity, provide a tool to help modify management and assess success of their management activities.
Making Lemonade From Trees: How The Domtar Pulp Mill Shut Down Is Creating New Opportunities For Eastern Ontario
The implications of Domtar's indefinite closure of the Cornwall pulp and paper mill extended well beyond the boundaries of the City of Cornwall. A group of partners with a long history of working together recognized the need to understand the situation more precisely and to take action to either mitigate or help shape the changes unfolding in the broader community.
Invasive species: Management Options for Ontario Landowners
This guide includes the most current info on invasive plants, pests, and diseases that threaten the health of forests, lands, waters, and livestock.
Findings of the Afforestation Survey of Landowners in Eastern Ontario
This report describes the survey and it's results to determine interest and participation in afforestation activities in Ontario.
Choosing the Right Tree
This book will help those landowners who have decided to plant trees and want to know what species is best suited to their site.
Protecting Water Resources: The Role of Forests
Biodiversity and Your Eastern Ontario Woodlot
Biodiversity and Your Eastern Ontario Woodlot is a series of Extension Notes discussing native biodiversity within the woodland communities.
Enhancing Species at Risk Habitat in Your Eastern Ontario Woodlot
Valuing Ecological Goods and Services from the Forest
This report provides a clear and concise synopsis of what is being done regarding provision of ecological goods and services on private lands in Canada.