Forest Health Network


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Friday, 17 August 2018 15:15

About Eastern Ontario Model Forest

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The EOMF is a not-for-profit, charitable organization. The EOMF works with government, landowners, industry, First Nations, non-government organizations and others to develop new ways to sustain and manage our forest resources. The model forest provides a unique forum where forest owners, managers, and users can forge partnerships, share their knowledge, and combine their expertise and resources.

Our Vision

Forests for Seven Generations

Our guiding philosophy supports our desire to balance the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainability within a mosaic of rural, urban-built and natural features. The rural and urban areas that comprise the overall landscape are fundamentally linked, and therefore cannot be treated in isolation when responding to issues of forest sustainability and community well-being. We also recognize that the landscape which supports our forest-dependent communities is characterized by both market-based economic value as well as natural capital in the form of ecological goods and services.

What We Do

The EOMF is actively involved in numerous initiatives that support healthy and diverse forests within Ontario. The following are some of the action areas for the EOMF.

Governance and Staff

The EOMF is governed by a Board of Directors. The board is structured to include at least one representative from First Nations, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and forest industry. A number of advisors with specific expertise are appointed by the board.


Board of Directors

Paul Robertson
Matt DeMille
Art Shannon
Pete Arbour
Colleen Drew-Baehre
Kerry Coleman
Ian Fife
Kayla Sunday
Nancy Young

John Pineau
Executive Director
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