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Wednesday, 05 February 2020 15:22

Forest Certification NEW

Slide 1
Hectares Certified

The Model Forest is pleased to offer private and community forest owners, throughout Ontario, an affordable, efficient and supportive system to achieve forest certification.

In January 2003, the Model Forest received a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Group Forest Management Certificate (FSC® C018800). This certificate is managed by the Model Forest on behalf of private and community forest members. It allows for many forest owners to share in the benefits and costs of FSC® certification, under one umbrella.

The FSC® is an international, membership-based, non-profit organization that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. The FSC® has developed a set of Standards, based on 10 core principles and criteria, that ensure sustainable forest management.  Forest owners interested joining the Program must indicate their commitment to managing their forest within the FSC®  Standards and the Model Forest Policies and Procedures.

Today, the Model Forest manages a successful and growing Forest Certification Program. The area now certified under the Program totals over 75,000 hectares. This consists of:


Why Forest Certification

Since 2003, a diverse group of private and community forest owners have joined the Program (organizational chart and/or certification program map). Over this time, our members have shared why certification is important to them. Here is a sample of what we have heard:

  • Provides a framework for forest owners to achieve sustainable forest management that is internationally recognized;
  • Provides a supportive and cost-effective approach to achieving forest certification;
  • Provides for a high level of public acceptance, through third party verification;
  • Provides a credible tool to implement active management, while enhancing the environmental, social and economic benefits from the forest;
  • Provides a framework for market ready carbon offset initiatives for community forests;
  • Provides for meaningful and respectful Aboriginal engagement and cultural awareness opportunities;
  • Protects forest ecosystems and helps fight climate change;
  • Raises industry standards.


EOMF FC Map Fall 2019 1

Download Forest Certification Program Map


EOMF FC Org Chart Fall 2019

Download Organizational Chart

Your Pathway to Forest Certification

Steps to achieving forest certification for your private woodlot:

forest cert 01Photo Credit: Rhonda Elliott

  1. Obtain a copy of the Forest Certification Standards and Policies & Procedures Manual;
  2. Review the Checklist for private woodlot certification;
  3. Develop a forest management plan. The plan must be approved by either the Model Forest or a member of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association;
  4. Schedule a site visit with the Forest Certification Coordinator;
  5. Sign Memorandum of Understanding;
  6. The cost of private forest certification includes: a one-time site visit fee of $200 plus tax, an annual Program Fee of $75 and 4% on the total standing timber sale for commercial harvests;
  7. Participate in the annual audits .

Steps to achieving forest certification for Community Forests:

  1. Obtain a copy of the Forest Certification Standards and Policies & Procedures Manual;
  2. Review the Checklist for Community Forest Certification;
  3. Present opportunity of forest certification to your relevant decisionmakers;
  4. Schedule a site visit with the Forest Certification Coordinator;
  5. Model Forest will undertake a gap analysis. The gap analysis will compare your current forest management operations with FSC Standards;
  6. The Model Forest will work with the Community Forest to address any forest management gaps;
  7. Sign Memorandum of Understanding;
  8. The cost of forest certification for community forests includes a Gap Analysis Fee and a Program Fee. The Model forest will provide a quote for these fees at the request of interested parties;
  9. Coordinate and host annual visits with the Model Forest for internal auditing.
  10. Participate in the annual audits .

Looking forward to hearing from you!

To learn more about our forest Certification Program, please contact Jim Hendry, Forest Certification Coordinator at 613-258-8422 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

For information on forest certification in Canada visit Certification Canada.


Forest Certification Program - FAQs 

We respect the privacy of our members, partners and stakeholders. Our full privacy policy is available HERE.

Tuesday, 04 February 2020 21:23

Forest Health Network NEW

From our first-hand experience with the large-scale ice storm that struck in 1998, to our more recent involvement in helping partners respond to the arrival of the Asian long-horned beetle in the City of Toronto, we realize that the threats to forest health are very real and the consequences potentially devastating for communities.

catepillarThe EOMF has spearheaded the Forest Health Network (FHN), a network of some 20 organizations and agencies spanning eastern Ontario, western Quebec and northern New York State – rallying partners in a coordinated and collaborative response to forest threats of various kinds.

In support of the FHN, the EOMF is involved in:

  • hosting meetings,
  • acting as a central repository for the distribution of relevant materials to partners,
  • helping to coordinate training for forest practitioners, and
  • playing a key role in coordinating the development and delivery of communications and outreach products and activities directed at woodlot owners as well as urban and rural residents. 

Working closely with scientists and experts from both Federal and provincial governments in delivering forest health-related messages to forest industry, rural landowners and urban dwellers also forms an important function of the FHN.

Members of the Forest Health Network

  • Agence regionale de mise en valeur des privees outaouaises
  • Agriculture and Agri
  • Food Canada (Arboretum)
  • Canada Food Inspection Agency
  • Canadian Forest Service
  • City of Cornwall
  • City of Gatineau
  • City of Ottawa
  • Raisin Region Conservation Authority
  • South Nation Conservation
  • Rideau Valley Conservation
  • Mississippi Valley Conservation
  • Cataraqui Region Conservation
  • Cornell University, NY
  • County of Renfrew
  • Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
  • National Capital Commission
  • Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
  • Ontario Invasive Plant Council
  • Ontario Parks
  • St Lawrence County, NY
  • St. Lawrence Islands National Park
  • Town of Carleton Place
  • Tree Canada United
  • Counties of Leeds & Grenville

Working on Slowing the Spread of the Emerald Ash Borer

FHN EAB damage

A particular focus for the Forest Health Network has been the slowing of the spread of the emerald ash borer (EAB) across eastern Ontario.  The FHN is playing a critical role in bringing partners together to coalesce around one set of consistent messages about EAB.  Past experience in other jurisdictions has shown that, in the absence of a facilitating or coordinating vehicle such as the FHN, organizations and agencies have struggled to provide consistent messaging to landowners and the public – an inevitable recipe for failure.  The FHN, with EOMF playing a facilitative role, is providing a vital coordinating function – one that is ensuring strategic responses to threats to forest health, and also building capacity within local communities to respond effectively to such threats.

For more information on the Emerald Ash Borer download landowner extensions note and/or to view the EAB videos.

Helpful Resource Material


FHN Highlights

Helpful Resource Material

Allison Jones · The Canadian Press

Ontario is cancelling a tree planting program, with those involved warning the move will lead to the loss of jobs and environmental benefits that forests provide.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry told Forests Ontario the day after the Progressive Conservative government delivered its budget this month that the 50 Million Tree Program was being eliminated.

Read the full story.

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019 15:36

Wildlife in Your Woodlot

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019 15:35

Maple Syrup - Basic Thinking Global Outcomes

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019 15:34

Limerick Forest - Buckthorn Control Trial

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.

Presented at the 2019 Winter Woodlot Conference.


Friday, 01 March 2019 14:07

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

A species few people have heard of – yet it is devastating the Hemlock forests and the delicate ecosystems that depend upon them. From infestations in our own backyards, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has already spread throughout the east coast of North America from the Carolinas up into Canada.

View this informative video by Chris Foito.

For other Regional Forest Health Network videos, visit our video library

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